

  这种方法是不修改xxxxxx.app目录下的info.plist文件,而是首先在xxxxxx.app目录下建立zh_CN.lproj和English.lproj目录,在zh_CN.lproj 目录下放入InfoPlist.strings 文件,InfoPlist.strings文件可以用pledit.exe程序打开,找到:






扩展教程:biteSMS 2.0-1 简体中文汉化



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http:///DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>%d Credits left</key>
<string>剩下 %d 个信用点数</string>
<key>%d left</key>
<string>剩余 %d 个字符</string>
<key>%d messages sent</key>
<string>已发送 %d 条信息</string>
<key>%d sent</key>
<string>已发送 %d 条</string>
<key>1 credit left</key>
<string>剩下 1 个信用点数</string>
<key>1 message sent</key>
<string>已发送 1 条信息</string>
<key>Add to Contacts</key>
<key>Clear Conversation</key>
<key>Contact Info</key>
<key>Credit Notification</key>
<key>Default SMS App</key>
<key>Lost Your Credits?</key>
<key>Messages Sent</key>
<key>Mobile Carrier</key>
<key>New Message</key>
<key>No credits left</key>
<key>No messages sent</key>
<key>Please enter your mobile number without the international dialing prefix or country code, just like you did when you purchased credits.</key>
<key>Reset Counter</key>
<key>Restore Credits</key>
<key>Restored Credits</key>
<key>Restoring Credits</key>
<key>Select a recipient</key>
<key>Send SMS Messages via:</key>
<key>Send via biteSMS Failed</key>
<string>通过 biteSMS 发送失败</string>
<key>Sent %d of %d SMSs</key>
<string>已发送 %d / %d 条信息</string>
<key>Shows how many SMS messages you've sent via your mobile carrier, so you know when you've reached your plan limit.</key>
<key>Text Messages</key>
<key>Text Messages (%d)</key>
<string>文本信息 (%d)</string>
<key>To buy more credits, please visit the biteSMS website:</key>
<string>预购信用点数,请浏览 biteSMS 网站:</string>
<key>Topup Credits</key>
<key>Unable to restore credits</key>
<key>Unable to send message</key>
<key>Unable to send request</key>
<key>Unable to update biteSMS database</key>
<string>无法更新 biteSMS 数据库</string>
<key>When turned on, biteSMS will be used when you view or respond to received SMS messages.</key>
<string>当开启时,将会使用 biteSMS 以查看或回复收到的信息。</string>
<key>Would you like biteSMS to be your default SMS application?</key>
<string>是否要使用 biteSMS 作为预设的信息程序?</string>
<key>Would you like to send this message via your Carrier?</key>
<key>You now have %d biteSMS credits available.</key>
<string>您还有 %d 可用的 biteSMS 信用点数。</string>
<key>You now have %d credits</key>
<string>您拥有 %d 个信用点数</string>
